Sunday, December 11, 2011

I Won 2 Tickets To Aladdin The Musical In Sunway Lagoon..

Bila baca entry Kak Mira, dia menang tiket ke Aladdin Musical ni, terus aku google-google kat mana boleh menang free tickets.. Siap follow Sunway Lagoon FB page dan Twitter sekali.. Bila diorang inform nak bagi ticket free, aku pun cubalah nasib.. Alhamdulillah, the tickets are mine now :) Seriously, baca blog Kak Mira memang banyak pengaruh aku untuk join contest2 ni.. Lagi-lagi dia menang bukan hadiah kecik-kecik2, sampai berpuluh-puluh ribu tau! Kalau ada usaha, kreatif, and good luck too, InsyaAllah akan berjaya nanti.. In my opinionlah.. :)


I have collected the tickets at Sunway Lagoon last week.. The show will be on Wednesday night.. Siap amik cuti tu, takut lambat sampai sana.. hehe.. Lagipun aku tak mahu ada hal kerja yang boleh sebabkan aku tak dapat pergi.. huhu.. Harap-harap takdelah..

photo  This 2 tickets worth RM200.. I am a happy camper :) Yellow Zone ni macam duduk area belakang sikit.. But not sure how far from the stage.. Tapi takpe, tickets free, kan? Terima ajelah.. hehe..

Nak bawak Haikal sekali.. Check-check website macam kena bayar budak-budak 12 tahun ke bawah.. Tak cakap pun baby kena bayar ke tak.. Belasah jelah pergi sana, Haikal bukan nak seat lain pun.. Duduk atas riba aku je.. Just reminder to myself, jangan lupa bawak his tidbits to keep him occupied during the show.. Karang dia tak reti diam, susah aku.. hihi..


Anonymous said...

murah rezeki akak yea..menang macam2 :D

Wan Amira said...

Awak..!! congrats!! yellow zone tu kalau tak de orang kat blue zone, turun je.. :p derang bukannyer check pun.. i think haikal should be no problem, sebab kak mira bawak emir yang dah besar tu ok je.. but make sure ur hubby dukung haikal lah hehehe, thats what i did

sayahappyslalu said...

Alhamdulillah.. :)

Kak Mira,
Thank you for the advise.. hehe.. Takdelah nanti saya dgn innocent saya pergi tanya "Should I buy a ticket for my baby?" hihi..

Anonymous said...

You cannot miss your chance to see Disney’s Aladdin 2015 Broadway musical production live at New York. Purchase your affordable live event tickets today from Aladdin Tickets! And remember, it’s always happy clicking with us!