*This is sticky post for 48 hours ^_^*
I never realized that Mamil Gold has came out with new packaging, until I saw this..
Very bold and attractive new realease of Mamil Gold..
Bukan aje datang dengan packaging yang baru, the new Mamil Gold growing up milk powder is made with even better formulation if compared to the previous version of Mamil Gold… Nak tahu apa bezanya? This new Mamil Gold contains more than 5x DHA and also equipped with IMMUNOFORCE. You know what, there are no other milk brands have this IMMUNOFORCE! IMMUNOFORCE ni terbukti secara saintifik untuk merangsang dan menyokong system imuniti anak-anak semasa diorang membesar.. Selain itu, Mamil Gold juga diperakui oleh para doctor dan saintis di 33 buah negara.. Hebat, kan? :)
Haikal loves to explore new things! And for sure he is exposed to bacteria too
That sounds not good..
Most of the time, bila kitorang bawak Haikal ke public places like shopping complex, playground etc, there will be huge possibility that he might touch dirty floor or dirty things around him.. Yelah, budak-budak mana nak duduk diam.. Pegang itu pegang ini, semua benda nak tahu sebab curious sangat.. Of course he was exposed to bacteria.. Wet tissue is a must in my handbag! I always use wet tissue to wipe his hands, highchair he sat and other things that he touch.. Itu pencegahan secara fizikal.. Secara internal, if you have toddler like Haikal, it would be best if we provide our child with good formula milk with the increment of IMMUNOFORCE to help maintain a good gut environment for the children.. Because, IMMUNOFORCE is essential for good immune system..
There are researches being done and researchers found out that immunity is an important attribute that mothers look for in a growing up milk, even more important than its benefit to brain.. This is because without a strong immune system, the brain benefits may be compromised as only a healthy child is able to accelerate his learning.. But, don’t worry mommies, with Mamil Gold, you get it with IMMUNOFORCE and 5x DHA as a package!
What is DHA and its benefit?
DHA dalam bahasa saintifiknya ialah “docosahexaenoic acid”.. Just a little bit of explanation about DHA here.. Hope I don’t get you confused.. hehe.. DHA is a polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acid and is considered as a beneficial fat which is very important for our child optimal development especially for brain, eyes and central nervous system during infancy and childhood.. Kajian menunjukkan bayi yang mendapat DHA yang lebih, mempunyai mental dan penglihatan yang baik.. Sebab pertumbuhan otak sangat pesat during the first years of baby’s life dan otak menggunakan DHA yang banyak pada masa tu.. Percaya tak, DHA sangat banyak dalam breast milk? That ‘s why baby yang minum susu ibu perkembangan otaknya sangat pantas dan baby mempunyai IQ yang lebih tinggi berbanding baby yang minum susu formula.. That is really amazing, and I am blessed that I got the opportunity to fully breastfeed my baby until he is 1 year and 2 months.. :) Siapa yang tak mahu anak yang bijak, betul tak?
How much DHA intake for your child?
The experts recommend at least 100 to 150 mg of DHA for kids per day.. Tapi actual intakes lebih kurang 20 to 50 mg aje dalam sehari.. Kalau nak lebih DHA, bagi anak makan salmon :) .. Sebab 3oz hidangan salmon terdapat 600mg DHA.. Banyak kan?
Good sources of DHA…
Baby yang breastfeed, dapat DHA direct from the breastmilk.. Bagi yang beri anak minum susu formula , janganlah risau.. Susu formula sekarang pun dah ada DHA jugak.. Sumber DHA yang asli terdapat dalam breastmilk, organ meats, seafood and algae..Tapi, we as a parents must take precaution too, don’t simply give our child to eat fish or seafood so much because of mercury contamination in it..
Anak-anak di bawah 6 tahun macam Haikal, boleh makan half of a can of chunk light tuna per week.. Seafood pun boleh makan, tapi kena pilih yang low in mercury seperti salmon, sardines, cod, shellfish, catfish etc.. He definitely love fish! 4aqAAAa`Lagi satu, kalau bagi anak makan albacoure tuna, kena limit hidangan half a can per week, and try to avoid any other fish that week!
Let say ada yang ragu-ragu untuk pemilihan makanan yang ada kandungan DHA, for safer options, pilih makanan yang diperakui mengandungi algae-derived DHA.. You can check this on the food can label..
How to benefit from DHA?
Sebenarnya tak susah nak pastikan our child consume enough DHA.. Dalam satu minggu, anak-anak boleh diberi 2 biji telur (DHA-enriched type) dan satu hidangan kecil ikan yang kaya DHA dan rendah mercury seperti salmon atau herring.. It u yang anak-anak perlukan di saat pembesarannya.. Di samping tu, kena jugak ada sayur-sayuran so that our child has healthy and balanced diet.. That’s easy, right? Bila anak membesar dengan sihat, kite pun senang hati :) For more info regarding this, you can check here in Mamil Gold website..
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